Case-Management: Inter-Agency Seminar, Feb 2018

The seminar ‘An Exploration of Case-Management and Opportunities for Inter-Agency Collaboration’ was held on February 22nd in the Vertigo Room, Cork County Hall.

Since the publication of the National Drug Rehabilitation Framework in 2010, work has been on-going in developing a case-management system in the region that now includes an integrated approach to care across drug and alcohol, homeless and prison services.

The event included presentations from a broad range of expert speakers both from regional and national perspectives while it also provided the opportunity for questions and input from all in attendance.

The purpose of the seminar was:

1)      Focus on the case-management system across drug and alcohol, homeless and prison services in the Cork/Kerry region
·         A presentation on an evaluation of the case-management system in the region  undertaken by the Dept. of Public Health and Primary Care, Institute of Population Health, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin.  The evaluation can be found here.
·         The experience of case-management from a service-user perspective.
·         A discussion on the process of reviewing and further implementing this system in the region.
·         The national context of this work (National Drug Rehabilitation Framework).

2)      To explore and understand perspectives from other professional bodies/sectors and identity opportunities for collaboration.     
·         An update on the HSE National Dual-Diagnosis Programme.

·         A panel discussion with representatives from services including, ambulance, mental health, homeless, drug and alcohol (statutory and voluntary), prison, and family.

We were delighted to welcome Dr Eamon Keenan, HSE National Clinical Lead-Addiction Services, as keynote speaker and panel chair.

Videos of our speakers on the day can be found here.

Thank you to all who took part and attended the seminar.