Community Action on Alcohol Northside – Local Action Plan 2019-20
Following the successful implementation of the previous Local Action on Alcohol Plan 2016–18 which aimed to bring about change in the local environment and community systems, which currently facilitate harmful levels of consumption and patterns of drinking in Ireland, Community Action on Alcohol Northside (CAAN) members agreed to continue to strive to reduce harms caused by alcohol in the local communities of Knocknaheeny, Hollyhill, Gurranabraher and Churchfield by developing a 2019–20 area plan. It is envisaged the Community Action on Alcohol Northside – Local Action Plan 2019–20 which was developed in the first quarter of 2019 will be implemented using a community mobilisation approach, delivered collaboratively and underpinned by both the Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery – A health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017–25 and Public Health Alcohol Act 2018.
This Local Action Plan will also include key actions from the previous Local Action Plan 2016–18, while incorporating suggestions for improvement from the Community Action on Alcohol Pilot Evaluation conducted by UCC in 2018.
Community Action on Alcohol Northside – Local Action Plan 2019–20 is based on the below five key goals from the Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery – A health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017–25 document and is guided in particular by the following strategic action 1.1.1: Ensure that the commitment to an integrated public health approach to drugs and alcohol is delivered as a key priority delivered by promoting the use of evidence based approaches to mobilising community action on alcohol.
CAAN Goals
1: Promote and protect health and wellbeing
2: Minimise the harms caused by the use and misuse of alcohol and promote rehabilitation and recovery
3: Address the harms of alcohol* markets and reduce access to alcohol* for harmful use
4: Support participation of individuals, families and communities (Social Capital)
5: Develop sound and comprehensive evidence-informed policies and actions
The full action plan can be viewed here