UCC RAG Week 2018

Services collaborate to provide information to students as part of UCC RAG Week.

As part of University College Cork (UCC) RAG week 2018, Cork Drug and Alcohol Task Force collaborated with The Sexual Health Centre Cork and UCC DJ society to provide drug and sexual health information to students on campus in UCC.

By targeting students at public events and on college campuses services can reach cohorts that may not otherwise present to addiction or sexual health services.

Research suggests that third level students and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) young people may be far more likely to take illegal drugs and/or binge drink than the general population. Research also suggests that drug use is generally higher among regular club goers with the club drug MDMA now considered mainstream throughout Europe.

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) identifies educational settings as a relevant intervention setting and recommends that new psychoactive substance education, including harm reduction, is most appropriate for those already using drugs.

It is recognised in ‘Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery: A health-led response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025’ that targeted harm-reduction, education and prevention measures are needed which are tailored towards these higher risk groups. These may include education, information and interaction with people who use drugs in environments where drug taking can occur such as at events. It also recognises that harm reduction initiatives and drug welfare are becoming a recognised part of events in many European countries.

Materials distributed on the day can be downloaded from Drugs.ie/campaigns


Via drugs.ie