Posts Tagged '#cldatf'

Multilingual Directory Launch

The launch of the multilingual versions of the ‘Directory of Drug & Alcohol Services in Cork & Kerry’ took place on Thursday 20th of October in the Council of Chambers. Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Fergal Dennehy attended the launch...

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Reflections of Hope

As part of Cork Drug & Alcohol Awareness Month, Ballyphehane Action for Youth Project are organising a commemoration ‘Reflections of Hope’. This will be taking place on Wednesday 2nd November from 6.15pm to 7.00pm in S.M.A Church Wilton. The event...

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Cork Drug & Alcohol Awareness Month

The CORK DRUG & ALCOHOL AWARENESS MONTH will once again be taking place this October. The aim of Cork Drug & Alcohol Awareness Month is to raise awareness and signpost information so that communities, families and professionals know where...

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